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 Increasingly – studies of brain imaging show that hypnotism and hypnotherapy are scientifically and medically based. In the hands of a trained professional, hypnotherapy can and does heal people from a variety of issues — many of which, if left untreated, eventually become physical diseases and contribute to health problems. Hypnosis is no longer a debatable “Is this stuff real?” issue. Brain imaging scans have shown that hypnotic suggestions do have an effect on perception, on brain waves and on people’s deep-seated phobias and issues. A study conducted at Stanford University in 2000 showed that the colour processing areas of the brain were activated when subjects received a hypnotic suggestion that the black-and-white photo they were looking at was in colour. According to Stanford University reports, researchers used PET scans to monitor neural activity, and demonstrate that the brain processes visual input differently under hypnosis allowing subjects to “see” color when they are actually staring at a black-and-white image. By discovering that hypnosis transforms perception, the study supports the use of the technique to improve athletic and intellectual performance and even to “”think away” pain. “This study lends considerable weight to the idea that hypnosis is a real neurological phenomenon,” said David Spiegel, MD, professor of psychiatry and behavioural sciences and senior author on the Stanford study. Spiegel and colleagues from Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City used a PET (for positron emission tomography) scanner to monitor activity in the brain’s visual areas. A PET scanner meausures blood flow to different parts of the brain to detect which regions are active.Since the 1800s the debate about whether hypnotism was “real” or a matter of perception that can’t be proven has been laid to rest. Brain scans, MRIs and PET scans show people’s brains do respond differently when they are hypnotized that when they’re not. Some conditions hypnotherapists have been able to successfully treat with hypnosis:Alcoholism Confidence Issues, Panic Attacks Anger, Issues Phobias Asthma, Drug Addiction, Public Speaking, Anxiety, Depression, Psoriasis, Breast Feeding Issues, Eating Disorders, Pain Management,  Loss, PTSD, Stress, Migraine Control, Smoking 



Is there a difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy? Yes. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference.

The word Hypnosis contains  two other words. 

Hypo which in latin meaning hidden and under

Gnosis  meaning is  knowledge obtained by experience. 

Combining them together we can say that the Hypnosis is the suppress or hidden knowledge. This knowledge and an answers to our questions lies in our subconscious part of our mind.  Thanks to hypnotherapy we can explore level of mind where all the answers lies.  

A hypnotist who comes out on stage, lines up volunteers and makes them all cluck like chickens or cry like babies, then tells the audience he can use hypnosis to help them lose weight, stop smoking or drinking or gain self-confidence overnight may or may not be able to deliver what he promises.Hypnotism, the practice of inducing a trance state, is legitimate. But addictions, weight and other semi or serious conditions lie deeper than the conscious. They hide in the subconscious and are part of a pattern or lifetime of patterning.Hypnosis may work for a while, but chances are without hypnotherapy, the problems will return.Hypnotherapy, often referred to as “Clinical hypnosis” to set it apart from dramatic, for-entertainment-purposes public exhibitions, requires more extensive training than just hypnosis. The use of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique is what defines hypnotherapy. A clinical hypnotist or hypnotherapist has extensive psychological training in addition to their hypnosis training.While anyone can be trained to hypnotise people, not everyone can effect the deep changes and psychological improvements a medical, clinical or psychiatrically trained hypnotherapist can.That’s why professionals who want to use hypnosis to help people with their addictions, mental or physical health and personal growth, typically receive a medical degree, such as a nurse, dentist, MD, or chiropractor, or a counseling degree such as a clinical psychologist, counseling psychologist, or social worker.If you’re already a medical professional it just makes sense to add hypnotherapy to your resume. If you’ve ever been to a show where a hypnotist has performed, it can be fun or amusing to watch them put audience members through a series of funny acts.Common misconceptions about hypnosis or hypnotherapy are that while hypnotized the client is under the control of the hypnotist. This is false. Hypnosis is not something that is imposed on people. The Hypnotherapist merely serves as a facilitator or teacher. They help the client achieve a natural, safe and useful state of mind in order to look at their emotional or mental issues in a way that helps them resolve them. Modern hypnotherapy is a collaborative approach where both the client and hypnotherapist work together to examine the client’s own inner resources in order to change or heal.Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy



It is my passion to investigate the phenomenon of vibration, sound and light. Different states of mind and body have their own frequency range to operate at. It is like an environment, the space they can operate in. 

By slowing down our brain waves, we are able to open the door to the state and space where we can access your subconscious and superconscious part of you. In this state, the exchange of information between us and our subconscious and superconscious part of you is possible. During the session, you will be guided through the step by step process and you will learn how to establish this communication.  This will enable you to make positive changes in your life and remove what you are not.

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