Tel-Sabio +44(0)7749725121
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected us all in different ways, and it’s been a worrying time for lots of us. As the situation changes, you might feel nervous about the future or frustrated by the way your life has changed.
It’s important to remember it’s OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently. For most of us, these difficult feelings will pass.
There are simple things we can do to help manage the way we feel, and take care of our mental health and wellbeing.
Thanks to Psychosensory therapies the process of coming out of lockdown and pandemic can be much easier.
During this time many of us have struggled to cope with such radical changes to our way of being in the world. We may have been brought to question aspects of our lives that once seemed so certain. For some there is grief for those lost, but for many there is a grieving for a way of being that is no longer possible under such prolonged restrictions.
Therapy can help with such adjustments. I can offer a space in which together, but led by you, we can explore whatever it is that you may be experiencing.
I am able to meet with you across a variety of virtual platforms, including Skype, Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp. While therapy online is different to face-to-face therapy, I have found it to be no less effective. However, if you have any particular questions or concerns about how it might be to start therapy online please do call or send a mail.